Our News
Football Mad!!!
Our Residents really got into the World Cup spirit at Hunters Lodge today.
Participating in some football games in the home prior to the match.
Unfortunately all the cheering and excitement didn't...
Birthday Celebrations
Pam celebrated her 102nd birthday at Hunter's Lodge today and still enjoys playing football, as you can see in the photo! Pam was born in June 1916, when the First World War had already been raging...
Special Visitor!!!
We had a very special visitor to the lodge today, thanks to Sally Whittaker for bringing in Jaffa the horse to see the residents.
He put a smile on lots of faces, and was a lovely suprise for everyone...
Patron Saints and Royal Babies!
How better than to celebrate our Patron Saint of England and the birth of our New Baby Prince, than to have a little party and enjoy some drinks with those around us.
23rd April 2018