Birthday Celebrations

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Pam celebrated her 102nd birthday at Hunter's Lodge today and still enjoys playing football, as you can see in the photo! Pam was born in June 1916, when the First World War had already been raging for two years.

She has called Hunter's Lodge her home for almost 13 years, we are proud to say, longer than anyone else living in the Home..

During the Second World War she was evacuated from London and relocated to Maidenhead, where she became a kindergarten teacher. Pam has two sons and a daughter, one of whom lives in America. Pam last visited her daughter in America when she was 93, however her daughter flies over regularly to see her Mum.

Pam developed a passion for travelling later in life and along with her Daughter, has visited Greece, Turkey, Iceland and Hawaii.

Pam continued to keep active taking daily walks in the garden until she broke her hip about four years ago.

Animals have always been a passion and she even has her own budgie at Hunter’s Lodge called Teddy. Pam also enjoys visits from all her friends and family and has someone come to see her most days. 

Pam enjoyed a small party along with friends, relatives and residents plus a special cake (but not 102 candles!) to celebrate her birthday on Thursday.

Read more at: The Melton Times

25th June 2018

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Posted on 14th January 2019

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